Racing News

Final Points Race locks in the 2014 Class Champions at KAM Kartway

And they went out with a bang with no shortness of excitement as drivers put on some of the best racing at KAM Kartway all season to end the 2014 Bridgeport Road Construction Race of Champions Points Series. There has been a lot of improvement shown by a number of drivers during this 20 event series, but two drivers really stuck out on Saturday night with their display of driving skill developments

West Texas Kart Nationals Oct 24 & 25th ~ Registration is still open.

Thunder Zone West Texas Kart Nationals – We\’ll be there!     Leighton wanted me to remind our KAM drivers about this event and to tell you that Registration is open.  And, oh yeah – Mike is going to be the Race Director!  [button url=\”\” target=\”blank\” style=\”bubbles\” background=\”#e72def\” rel=\”nofollow\”]Click her to register[/button]

Micro Sprints and Adult Animal/RWYB Classes added to the 2014 Race Schedule

Additions have been made to the 2014 Bridgeport Road Construction Race of Champions Series schedule.  The Schedule page has been updated and you can download a copy of the KAM Points Schedule 2014 to be displayed in a prominent place on your refrigerator here and a copy has been added to the Forms page as …

Micro Sprints and Adult Animal/RWYB Classes added to the 2014 Race Schedule Read More »

Short Track Shootout

  Fill out this online form to Pre-Register   [contact-form to=\’\’ subject=\’Short Track Shootout Pre-Registration\’][contact-field label=\’Driver%26#039;s Name\’ type=\’name\’ required=\’1\’/][contact-field label=\’Kart Number\’ type=\’text\’ required=\’1\’/][contact-field label=\’Race Class\’ type=\’select\’ required=\’1\’ options=\’Young Guns,Jr 1,Jr 2,Jr 3,Outlaw 125,Outlaw 250,Open Outlaw,Pro Clone,Yard Kart\’/][contact-field label=\’2nd Class (if Applicable)\’ type=\’text\’/][contact-field label=\’Comment\’ type=\’textarea\’/][/contact-form] As always, Kart Numbers are assigned on a first come first …

Short Track Shootout Read More »

Adding Race to Calendar: March 15th [UPDATE: DATE CHANGED TO THE 8TH]

Mark your calendars for new race date being added to the KAM Kartway Winter Schedule. [UPDATE] CHANGING DATE TO THE 8TH TO ACCOMMODATE FOR THE SOONER NATIONALS. The times will be the same as the other Winter dates with gates opening at 1pm and Drivers Meeting at 3pm. This addition was a result of numerous …

Adding Race to Calendar: March 15th [UPDATE: DATE CHANGED TO THE 8TH] Read More »

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