Refer a Sponsor and get FREE Pit Pass for the Season


That\’s right! We need your help as we lost a lot of sponsors with racers moving up or out of karting and with taking the winter off so our drivers could run the MWRS Indoor Series we are seeking funding to ensure a successful 2022 Race Season with happy racers.

I have a marketing plan for potential sponsors that you can direct them to that spells out what we are willing to do for our sponsors such as track signage space, shout outs during the races, website banner ads on all pages of KAM Kartway website and social media mentions to name a few.  You can find it here.

As a bonus to our new sponsors, if they commit before the end of the month I will throw in the Short Track Shootout sponsor opportunity which is normally another $600.  

Thank you in advance for helping us and supporting youth kart racing!!  We love being part of this racing community but we can\’t do it with the love and support of each of you.


[pdf-embedder url=\”\” title=\”Sponsorships Available for 2019 at KAM Kartway\”]


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